Maybe not a lot in sales but the atmosphere of friendliness and social camaraderie amoungst The Australian Ceramics Association potters was fantastic.
The weather was warm, the works of so many talented artists had to be seen to be believed and the atmosphere was one of relaxed professionalism. Wonderful to participate, thanks TACA!
The fabulous Ashley from The Australian Ceramics Association stopped by to have a little squizz at all the stalls..............actually we all did!!
20 or so potters could not help but wander around checking out the brilliant work available at the 10 stalls set aside for the ceramics promotion.
Look at this!!! The ingenious Macquarie Potters made all sorts of pottery tools from all sorts of absolute junk!! This stall was my favourite until the very last photo was taken ....but definitely my favourite pottery stall. I love the fact that that they made such useful things out of such useless crap......ballpoint pen cases and bent wire become pottery turning tools, bamboo skewers and tiny glass test tubes become clay burnishing tools, old flags become clay roll out mats, etc.....clever, clever, clever!!
Our generous and very talented friend Anna made some really beautiful cards as companion sales products to my ceramics.....they are elegant, stylish and very well made. Lucky me!
Our friendly 'neighbour' Louise Hart....woman of a genuinely sensual dolomite glaze! I kept rubbing the pots because their surface have such a smooth 'soft' satin appeal but alas... no genie!
Young fresh-faced Katy from Queensland demonstrating her exquisite feather designs on the little porcelain tea bowls she so expertly makes. Armed with 2 sable brushes and the tiniest little colour kit I've ever seen, she painted light, delicate colourful little feathers on one or 2 sides of each was mesmerising to watch and well out of my league!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THESE!!! Not a potter but an exceptional textile artist. Saw these as I was walking back from lunch and could not believe my eyes!! Life-size techno-objects made of felt!! Typewriter -complete with lettered keys, sewing machine with dials and a keyboard/synthesizer!! The typewriter!!!!!!!!! that was my favourite.....the little knobby keys! but with a No Touch sign on them meant I couldn't do the very thing I most wanted to fingers itched. attention!
Definitely want to be there again next year!!