Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Studio nearly ready!

Kilns are finally in place and the materials and equipment are slowly coming in - goodness!! - it's taken a long time just to get this far.......didn't realise setting up the studio space could be so tricky.
Lots to think about......electricity, chemicals, workflows, storage, transport and a whole lot of other considerations.....but I am SO excited!! I have waited 7 years for my own studio space so I am very, very happy to be nearly there in the set up.

Have started off with a bit of ceramic jewellery to get myself used to working in the space and have started the research and drafts for the project i want to explore - the fusion between my Greek ancestry, my white Australian lifestyle and the rich cultural commonalities Indigenous Australia has with my heritage.

Couple more hiccups to attend to then the 'real' work can begin. So looking forward to it!!


  1. So damn exciting Irene..looking forward to coming along for the ride..and WELCOME to Mud Colony Blog !!

  2. oh a long wait! Will be worth it once you get going :^)

  3. oh my what a wait you had, looking good.
